The Dinohunters

A History of Dinosaur Hunting and Reconstruction

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After the American Museum of Natural History acquired Edward Cope's fossil collection in 1902, Henry F. Osborn and Charles C. Mook published a detailed study of one of the sauropods - Camarasaurus - in 1921.

A year later, in 1922, a fully articulated and almost complete skeleton of a juvenile Camarasaurus was found in the Carnegie Quarry, Utah ( shortly destined to become the Dinosaur National Monument).  This slab of rock is still the most perfect sauropod skeleton ever discovered.

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The Carnegie Museum decided to display the skeleton as a panel mount.  Charles W. Gilmore described this specimen in 1925, concluding that Camarasaurus stood highest at the hips - not the shoulders as had been hitherto described by Osborn and Mook - similar to Apatosaurus and Diplodocus.