Examples of Mantell's Work
Mantell was a prolific and successful author. Among his more substantive works were :
- The Fossils of the South Downs (1822) The first quality , and technically sound, guide of its type. (see cover)
- Illustrations of the Geology of Sussex (1827) Includes Iguanodon. (see cover)
- Geology of the South-East of England (1832) Includes Hylaeosaurus
- The Wonders of Geology (1838) 8 editions, published in America and Europe. Includes the detail of an ideal geological section, including the dinosaur bearing strata, using the nomenclature in use in England in the 1830s
- Medals of Creation (1844)Fossils and natural theology
- A Pictorial Atlas of Fossil Remains (1850) Up-to-date commentary using high quality coloured plates
- Petrifactions and their Teachings (1851) A guide to the fossil collection of the Natural History Museum
Illustrating the layers
Wealden denotes middle Cretaceous
Chalk denotes Upper Cretaceous
Oolite denotes Upper Jurassic
Lias denotes Lower Jurassic
Megalosaurus was found in the Oolite of Oxfordshire. Iguanodon was found in the Weald of Sussex
Additional Writing
In addition, Mantell wrote books on microscopy, local history and medecine.
- He published many significant papers on both geological and medical research topics.
- He maintained an incredible correspondence with people all over the world
- He kept one of the most interesting journals written in his time.
- Remember that he was a full time practising doctor and surgeon as well!